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Poshan Quiz

Start Date : 15 Sep 2023, 12:01 am
End Date : 30 Sep 2023, 11:59 pm
Closed View Result
Quiz Closed

About Quiz

“Poshan Quiz” is a thoughtfully crafted quiz designed to explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in the context of Poshan Maah, a month dedicated to nutrition and well-being.


This quiz delves into the principles of Ayurvedic as well as modern aspect of nutrition, emphasizing the holistic approach to nourishing the body and mind.

Participants will be challenged with questions that also cover topics such as balancing doshas, selecting appropriate foods for one’s constitution, and understanding the seasonal variations in dietary choices.

It’s an opportunity to deepen your knowledge of nutrition and embrace a healthier, more harmonious way of nourishing yourself during Poshan Maah to realise the government’s agenda of Suposhit Bharat.

Terms and Conditions

•This Online Quiz is a skill-based online competition in which participants are asked to submit correct answers to a set of questions.

•Each question in the quiz is in the Multiple-Choice Format and has only one correct answer.

•Each question carries 1 mark. Participants are required to attempt all the questions in total.

•Participants are allowed to attempt the quiz only once and only one option will be accepted for a particular question.

•After responding to a question, click on the “Next Question” button to go to the next question.

•No negative marking will be done.

•After attempting all the questions, a final submission should be clicked.

•Certificate will be issued to all the participants.