Amid COVID-19 pandemic, the Government led by Shri Narendra Modi launched various schemes from time-to-time while extending a few ones for the relief of citizens from different walks of life. How well do you know about the schemes launched in 2021?
Test your knowledge by taking this knowledgeable MyGov 2021 quiz on various government schemes.
1. Entry into the Quiz is open to all Indian citizens.
2. Number of questions per quiz and duration of the quiz is 5 Questions and 100 Seconds respectively.
3. One participant can participate only once.
4. The same mobile number and email address cannot be used more than once to participate in the quiz
5. The quiz shall open on 25th December, 2021 and will be closed on 31st December, 2021
6. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw or cancel the Quiz at any time. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes the right to amend these terms and conditions
7. Organizers reserve all rights to disqualify or refuse participation to any participant if they deem participation or association of any participant which is detrimental to the Quiz or the Organizers or partners of the Quiz. The registrations shall be void if the information received by the Organizers is illegible, incomplete, damaged, false or erroneous
8. The criteria of selecting the winners will be maximum correct answers in the shortest time subject to the stipulation of 5 questions attempt and 100 seconds duration